Cedarlea Farms
Garner &Lori Deobald Brian, Kylie, Griffin & Ander Hawkins
Peptos Boon Shine
2005 Red Roan Stallion
We searched a long time to find a stallion that was from a complete and proven performance bloodline, possessed character, charisma, conformation and an awesome attitude. During his training with Renee Zakaluzny he has shown an intense desire to please and the athletic talent to take him to the show pen. It's a long road from weanling prospect to breeding stallion to proven sire. BOON is well on his way down that road and time will tell how his foals will develop, ride and compete. Boon's oldest foals are four. We have recieved nothing but compliments in regards to the Boon babies temperments and athletisism. We are excited to see how his foals will continue to develop down the road.

NRHA $2886.31, Canadian Supreme $843.07,
9 AQHA Reining Points
2011 ~ Easter Classic - Moose Jaw, Sk.
3 AQHA Reining points
NRHA Ltd Open - 1st - NRHA Plaque
NRHA Int. Open - 1st - NRHA Plaque
NRHA Novice Horse - 1st - NRHA Plaque
~ Reining Alberta Spring Classic
NRHA Ltd Open - Reserve Champion
NRHA Int. Open - 3rd
2009 ~ Harvest Gold - Moose Jaw, Sk
6 AQHA Reining points
NRHA Ltd. Open - 1st - NRHA Plaque
NRHA Novice Horse - 3rd
~ Alberta Reining Fall Classic - Olds, AB
NRHA Ltd. Open - Tied for 1st (score 146)
NRHA Novice Horse - 2nd
~ SRHA Stakes & Futurity - Moose Jaw, Sk.
NRHA Ltd. Open - 2nd
NRHA Open - 5th
NRHA Novice Horse - 4th
2008 ~ SRHA Jackpot - Whitby Farms, Sk.
3yr. Old Open - 1st
~ Cardston, AB.
NRHA Ltd. Open - 5th
~ Canadian Supreme - Red Deere, AB
~ Harvest Gold - Moose Jaw, Sk.
NRHA Ltd. Open - 1st - Morrison Bronze
NRHA Open -6th
2021 Breeding Fee: Private Treaty
Peppy San Badger
Royal Blue Boon
Peptos Playboy
Freckles playboy
Miss Freckles Girl
Solano Glo
Genuine Doc
Shining Spark
Diamonds Sparkle
Mop n shine
Mr. Joe Glo
Miss Day Go